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Studying the parameters of the Institute of High Energy Physics stand
Author: Giorgi TakadzeKeywords: Cosmic ray, dark current
Cosmic rays are a form of high-energy radiation emitted from outside our solar system. When they reach Earth, the rays collide with particles in the upper atmosphere, creating a "shower" of particles, including muons. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory of the Institute of High Energy Physics on 3-channel discriminators. We investigated the working voltage and dark current. We made measurements in the range of 1000 to 1800 volts respectively we got the working voltage of 1400 volts. The results show how the muon flux is attenuated by replacing filters on the stent with iron plates mounted on the stent.
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მაღალი ენერგიების ფიზიკის ინსტიტუტის სტენდის პარამეტრების შესწავლა [ka]