
Mechanisms for ultrasound effects in living organisms
Author: revaz mgeladzeCo-authors: revaz mgeladze
Keywords: Heat, cavitation, acoustic force, microstreaming
In a last few decades ultrasound is being used widely. In medicine it has diagnostic and therapeutic uses. There is also wide range of uses in industry and also in consumer products. Increased ultrasound sources in our living environment means increased exposure to humans and it’s important to examine what possible effects could ultrasound cause in biological organisms. In order to understand possible effects of ultrasound in organisms, it is important to understand mechanisms by which this effects arises. This is object of research in my bachelor thesis. In my research I studied mechanisms which creates different effects. Namely Heat, cavitation , acoustic force, microstreaming and other secondary mechanisms. exactly what effects could those mechanisms cause. And then, possible positive and negative results of this effects, which could be used either for therapeutic purposes or to help us protect ourselves from health risks.