
“Online Pharmacy service using Restfull (with clean architecture Core web API)”
Author: medea kapanadzeCo-authors: medea kapanadze
In today's business environment, it is very important to have timely access to information in order to develop a business idea. Along with the development of digital applications, the writing of the code is also improved and certain details, which were difficult to imagine until now, become easier. Web applications allow users to access applications from anywhere in the world. When certain business logic is built using different programming languages, the code written in these languages can be connected with the service. The best solution is to use services to connect data quickly and efficiently. Every application, be it a desktop or a web application, needs its own service. A web service is a standardized method for distributing messages between client and server applications. The importance of the topic is confirmed by the fact that every day millions of people use the services in their daily activities. The work deals with web services, in particular Restful and Soap services are discussed in detail. The aim of the thesis is to clearly present the currently widespread and popular services with their pros and cons and based on a comparative analysis argue the preference of restful service on the example of concrete application developed .