
Sport Management - Georgian Federation of Sambo
Author: Tamari OdishariaCo-authors: Nino Kupatadze, Barbare Shonia, Mariam Kvantaliani, Nika Simonishvili, Erekle Andghuladze
Keywords: Federation of Sambo, Sport, Sport Management
The project is designed for competitions hosted by Georgian National Sambo Federation, managing informational board during competition and showing its information. It also includes database of competing Sambo athletes in Georgia, trainers, referees and organized competitions. Project also includes, registration and informational webpage, which doesn’t exist in modern Georgia yet. Our goal is to provide the federation with the necessary software and make certain processes easier. For this we are creating Georgian board, which will help championships conclude correctly and easily in the future. We are creating database, which will hold all the information concerning the tournaments. Alongside this will be the webpage, where it will be possible to register athletes, trainers and referees, and add competitions. Following technologies were used in creating this project: Angular (Front-end); PHP Laravel (Back-end), MySQL (Database), Java (Board application).