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Atomic and molecular radiation spectra (determination of the cross section of atomic hydrogen radiation when ions collide with H_(2 )molecules.)

Author: Dato Sigua

In the present work, dissociative arousal processes in collisions are studied. In particular, the dependence of the lines and the cross-sectional energy of the hydrogen atom spectrum obtained as a result of dissociation are measured (Figs. 10,11). The paper is mainly of a review nature. It describes in detail the model of a hydrogen atom and the spectra of radiation in the visible (Balmer) and invisible (Lyman) ultraviolet regions. The paper also presents the results of experimental measurements. , 2p-1s jump), H_α (656,3nm, 3p-2s jump), H_β (656,3nm, 4p-2s jump) dependence of the energy of the excitation cross-section ions. In the present work, dissociative arousal processes in collisions are studied. In particular, the dependence of the lines and the cross-sectional energy of the hydrogen atom spectrum obtained as a result of dissociation is measured (Figs. 10,11). The paper is mainly of a review nature. It describes in detail the model of a hydrogen atom and the spectra of radiation in the visible (Balmer) and invisible (Lyman) ultraviolet regions

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