
Study of enzyme catalase activity in rat brain and liver using chemiluminescence method
Author: Natia DatunashviliKeywords: Catalase, Chemiluminescence, Flavonoids, Antioxidants
In modern medicine there is strong evidence that suggests that oxidative stress plays crucial role in the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. Cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are among them. Oxidative stress is caused by imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in organisms. Free radicals are produced in living organisms naturally as a byproduct of normal metabolism, but if they accumulate excessively, these molecular species are capable of negatively affecting biomolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins and lipids by damaging their structure. Fortunately, the cells have strong antioxidant mechanisms, that neutralize harmful effects of free radicals. Molecules that have antioxidant properties are various enzymes, vitamins, flavonoids, etc. Among the enzymatic antioxidants, catalase is known to play an extremely important part in mitigating oxidative stress. As for the nonenzymatic antioxidants, flavonoids, the secondary metabolites found in plants, arouse great interest. Once flavonoids enter the cells, they act as the scavengers and inhibitors of free radicals. It must be pointed out, that the relations between enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants, in normal conditions, are yet to be studied thoroughly. Therefore, the aim of this research was to observe and study the activity of catalase in rat liver and brain, after injecting the study objects with excessive flavonoids. To achieve the said aim for our research, several goals were set. Firstly, we chose three study groups of rats and injected them daily (over 5 days) with different types of flavonoids. Afterwards, we took the samples of interest from brain and liver and acquired the fractions by homogenizing the tissues. Lastly, we determined catalase activity in the fractions and studied their antioxidant properties. The results of the study were analyzed statistically.
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ფერმენტ კატალაზას აქტივობის შესწავლა ვირთაგვას თავის ტვინსა და ღვიძლში ქემილუმინესცენციის მეთოდის გამოყენებით [ka]