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Some Problems of Convergence of Dirichlet's Integrals
Author: Nika AreshidzeKeywords: Lebesgue’s test, General Dirichlet’s Integrals, Derivative, Convergence.
This work is of a research nature. Problems of point convergence and uniform convergence of generalized Dirichlet's integrals introduced by R. Taberski are studied. In particular, an analogue of the Lebesgue criterion for generalized Dirichlet’s integrals is proved. We also prove an analog of A. Zakharov's theorem on convergence at a point and uniform convergence of differentiated partial sums of the Taberski series.
Lecture files:
დირიხლეს ინტეგრალების კრებადობის ზოგიერთი საკითხი [ka]