
Intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS based MAGDM. Using in Online Review-Based Hotel Selection
Author: Nikoloz BakhtadzeKeywords: Multi-attribute problem, Multi-attribute decision making, uncertainty, fuzzy set, fuzzy number, Intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy sets and numbers, Intuitionistic and Pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS methods, hotel selection
Multi-attribute goals decision making is very actual topic and time after time, it’s actuality, is raising and raising. This is because of many factors, of which especially valuable are technical, scientifical progress, more requirements bu users, gradually digitalization of modern world and generally more and more raising of demands on Multi-attribute goal decision making systems in practice. Accordingly, in front of us exists one valuable and solid problem, which we must fix in this work. Multi-attribute goal decision making is only possible by creating and realizing relevant multi-attribute goal decision making system. In this work, our goal will be to create Multi-attribute goal decision making system, based on intuitionistic and pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS methods, and realize it. It has to be noted, that input datas, in these systems, have experimental nature, whereas as information source stands decision maker and it’s knowledge. TOPSIS(Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is pretty effective way during fuzzy multi-attribute decision making as in theory, as in practice. Research subject generally will be to fix multi-attribute goal decision making, by using of intuitionistic and pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS methods. General object of research, work, will be fuzzy TOPSIS methods, their discussion, steps and theoretical, practical and programmed realization of system, based on them. Theoretical, practical and programmed realization will have to do with online hotel selection, based on reviews. General possible result will be creation of such kind of multi-attribute goal decision making system,based on these TOPSIS methods, which will fix multi-attribute goal decision making problem realization. Of course, my work isn't first about this topic, though there are some component, which differentiates work, written by us, from previous works. In previuous works, based on intuitionistic and pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS methods, almost or generally doesn't exist information about, what is fuzzy set or fuzzy number. By the way to be stated about intuitionistic and pythagorean fuzzy sets and numbers. By the way, in previous works, nearly rarely or generally isn't used hand computation technique, which will ease understanding of working of intuitionistic and pythagorean fuzzy TOPSIS methods steps to any human. Whereas, all of these, which we listed, will stimulate right and good perceive and conceiving of this work, by human.