
experimental research and modeling of the electromagnetic response of the void under the earth surface
Author: Ilia BuzaladzeKeywords: landmine, shell, detector, sensor, electromagnetic induction, coil
In the modern world, the discovery of metal shells or landmines is not a problem, as many devices have already been developed to detect such mines, although it is very difficult to find mines made of plastic and other such materials. Plastic landmines can be detected as follows: Instead of finding such a landmine, we find voids in the ground where it is possible to have a landmine. Through this process it will first be possible to discover places where the shell is not placed. If the shape of the void in the ground replicates the shape of the landmine in general quite accurately then it may already be the location of the landmine. Many people were injured and killed due to long-established mines stuck in the ground. Because of all this it is necessary to create a new type of device, a detector, which aims to detect voids in the soil to find mines later.