Experimental investigation and modeling of phase shifting of signals based on coaxial cable lengths
Author: Giorgi DolidzeKeywords: Phase shifting, coaxial cable, experimental investigation, modeling
According to UN statistics, more than 26,000 people are injured or killed each year in more than 60 countries due to the use of anti-personnel mines (AP). Despite an international treaty banning similar mines, the scale of AP mine use has not diminished in modern times. The biggest challenge in this regard is to find and defuse unexploded ordnance. In the case of metallic mines, the detection problem has been largely investigated and resolved. There are already radars that have been introduced and are widely used. In the case of metal mines, direct observation is made of a mine / shell-like metal object in the soil. However, such an approach does not work for non-metallic APs. The classical approach to detecting non-metallic / intermediate conduction objects is unsuitable. In such a case it is necessary to detect unevenness in the soil, hollow areas in the shape of a mine. By examining the electromagnetic properties of the soil, it will be possible to visualize the object in the soil from its voids (soil unevenness), using electromagnetic echoes, as well as to determine its EM characteristics. Consequently, the presence and location of a mine can be determined with great accuracy, which will reduce the cost of demining, the time required, human resources, and so on. The approach described above is still under development. There are no ready-made tools to meet the scale of demand. Despite the clarity of the physics of the approach described, it is quite complex to design a similar sensor. The task of determining the absolute value of the echo field received by the sensor will be theoretically calculated, simulated and measured in the given master thesis.