
Comparative study of inter-organ compensatory mechanisms induced by unilateral nephrectomy in a rat liver and kidney
Author: Tatia ChikashviliAnnotation:
A comparative study of the structural and functional changes in the liver and kidneys of adult white rats to response an unilateral nephrectomy has been performed to determine the characteristics of activation of compensatory-adaptive processes. It has been shown that structural changes due to unilateral nephrectomy on rat histoarchitectonics and consequently increased functional load on the liver, initiate a multiple increase the genome in hepatocytes. In particular, the number of diploid (2c) cells decreases and 2cx2 tetraploid cells increases at 72 h after surgery. Quantitative increase in dual-core tetraploid cells (2cX2) indicates that their division is by non-mitotic mitosis, and ends only in karyokinesis not citokinesis (poliploidization). It was found that only minor structural changes were observed in the renal tissue remaining at the initial stage (48 h) after unilateral nephrectomy. At the same time, the mitotic index and the number of dual-core tetraploid cells also increase slightly but reliably compared to the control. The increase in the number of dual-nucleated cells in the kidney compared to the liver 24 hours earlier is explained by the fact that resection of one of the organs of the pair primarily increases the functional load on the remaining kidney.
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ზრდასრული ვირთაგვას ღვიძლსა და თირკმელში ცალმხრივი ნეფერექტომიით გამოწვეული ორგანოთაშორისი, კომპენსატორული მექანიზმების შედარებითი შესწავლა [ka]