
Study of possible negative impact of a new wood composite containing triethoxysilylated styrene on a white mice
Author: Gvantsa NakhutsrishviliAnnotation:
The aim of the presented work was to study the possible negative effect of new composite materials based on wood containing silylated styrene and vinyl triethoxysilane and hay on the morphofunctional activity of various tissues of adult white mice. The conducted studies have established that both wood and hay new composites, in which silylated styrene and vinyl triethoxysilane are used as adhesives, do not cause changes in the total number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood of experimental animals (white adult mice). The wood composite, in which silylated styrene is used as an adhesive for wood pulp, does not adversely affect the morphofunctional activity of various tissues of adult white mice. It was also determined that vinyl triethoxysilane silylated styrene and hay-based composite materials slabs do not have the negatively affect the histoarchitectonics and proliferative activity of various tissues of adult mice.