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CPT variation in gravitational fields and baryon asymmetry of universe
Author: Tamar MamadashviliKeywords: baryon asymmetry of universe, Sakharov conditions, CPT theorem
In this thesis, the observed asymmetry between the matter and antimatter is discussed. It is shown, that the observed BAU can be caused by CPT-violation in the expanding universe. In the first chapter, baryon asymmetry problem and Sakharov conditions are discussed. The violation of Sakharov conditions in the Standard Model is shown. In the second chapter, CPT theorem in Minkowski space is discussed and in the third chapter, CPT violation caused by gravitational effects is introduced. The fourth chapter is about the main subject of this thesis. It is shown, we get the observed value of baryon asymmetry by calculating the BAU generated on GUT scale in thermal equilibrium caused by CPT violation in the expanding universe.
Lecture files:
CPT სიმეტრიის დარღვევა გრავიტაციულ ველში და სამყაროს ბარიონული ასიმეტრია [ka]