
Prototypes of the intelligent robot
Author: Gierg TsipianiKeywords: Artificial intelligence, machine learning, human-computer interaction, neural networks, natural language processing, intelligent robot, chatbot, spaCy, Python
In the master's thesis, we will discuss such an important modern issue as artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence - AI) and based on it, we will create an intelligent robot - chatbot. Chatbot is a form of modern communication, the principle of operation of which is based on human interaction with artificial intelligence. To create a chatbot, we will use one of the powerful natural language processing libraries - spaCy and the Python programming language. However, since a chatbot and any intelligent robot is a product of artificial intelligence, let's get acquainted with its general specifics and modern approaches in this field. As we know, artificial intelligence is a theory of computer systems that refers to the ability of computers and robots to perform tasks that are generally performed by humans, as it requires human intelligence and "insight" to perform such tasks. In our case, it is the chatbot that can provide the service to the client like a human. Natural language processing plays a key role in doing this. Since, the main problem of artificial intelligence is the difficulty of imitating human skills by a computer, we are dealing with a modern obstacle that is being overcome time and time again with the development of modern methods. It is natural, that artificial intelligence is an integral part of our daily lives, and it affects the future of virtually every industry and every person. Since artificial intelligence is a rather complex issue, of course, we will have to discuss its criteria in a separate section. We will debate the modern theories behind artificial intelligence, including: machine learning, human-computer interaction (HCI), neural networks, natural language processing, and intelligent robotics.