
Artists employment platform
Author: Nika KvatadzeAnnotation:
The digital world is an integral part of our future. That is why we must constantly strive to connect creativity and technology to turn digital possibilities into digital reality. The popularity of digital products is due to their many advantages, for example: comfort, convenience, effective means of saving time and many others. The product I am introducing is one of those important products that I believe will play a big role in making our daily activities easier and easier. In this case, we will focus on the sector of society that is employed in the field of culture and art, and we will present a platform that will allow each person to find, evaluate and hire the artsts he/she wants without leaving his/her home: musicians, singers, bands, artists of his choice for various events and celebrations. Due to the fact that all types of people have to arrange/organize events and celebrations throughout their lives, this platform will be customized for each of us to make the whole process relatively simple and easy for us. To achieve the goal and create this product, I used such modern technologies as: PHP/Laravel on the Back-End side. On the Front End side - React.js. On the database side, a flexible RDBMS - MySQL server. Rest API for Back-End and Front-End communication