
Structuring the terminology dictionary database
Author: Salome GachechiladzeKeywords: terminological dictionary, dictionary, database
The terminology dictionary includes a list of definitions of terms in various fields. With the development of modern technology, it has become necessary to move the terminology dictionary online to make it accessible to the most part of public. The terminology dictionary allows us to search for any term and see its definition in different fields. At this point, there is accessible a terminology dictionary web platform and a database. However, the database does not fit into the modern terminological representation of data framework. The project builds a database that meets the terminological standards. As the Georgian language is distinguished by its peculiarities, it is necessary to synchronize the models of the Georgian language and the terminological standard with each other. Accordingly, a new database should be launched during the project, in which a terminological framework should be provided. A framework that includes metamodels and methods for describing specific terminological markup languages (TML) expressed in XML. We should use a modular approach in the database, or the Terminology Marking Framework (TMF). It consists of two abstract models and the most abstract level is called the metamodel level. The terminological dictionary can be used by all people who need professional level dictionary definitions and its matches. As you know, in today's world it is difficult to sit in a library and flip through a dictionary because time is fast and a large part of the public chooses to have a dictionary in their own home, in the form of a website or app, which saves time and energy. Moreover, barbarisms (eg "mouse", "space" and the like) have been established in the modern Georgian language, especially in technologies that pollute the language. The terminological dictionary will allow us to find Georgian equivalents of barbarisms.
Lecture files:
ტერმინოლოგიური ლექსიკონის მონაცემთა ბაზის სტრუქტურირება - სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი - სალომე გაჩეჩილაძე [ka]