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Unified Structure of Accretion Disk - Powerful jet - Observations, Formation Theories
Author: Nino RevazashviliKeywords: Accretion Disk, Powerful jets, Disk-Jet Structure, Compact Objects, Beltrami - Bernoulli States
We review the history of observations for accretion astrophysical disk-powerful jet structure and their formation theories presenting corresponding examples. We emphasize the preference of different approaches for specific conditions. We give a brief review of Beltrami-Bernoulli equilibrium model for jet formation as well as Shakura Suniaev turbulent model for accretion disk. We describe the importance of these effects in the establishment of jet characteristic parameters (including the collimation) for magnetized relativistic disks. We present the observational statistical data for such structures. In addition we present different approaches for the further acceleration of jets.