
Effects of ionizing radiation and UV rays on the biological system
Author: nino botchorishviliKeywords: ionizing radiation, UV rays, biological system
Annotation Ionizin radiation is made up of subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves that have enough energy to ionize atoms or molecules by releasing electrons from them.distant effects of ionizing radiation manifest themselves in non-neoplastic and neoplastic changes many years after radiation.High does delivered to the healthy human with short period of the time can produce effects such as blood component changes,fatuge,diarrhea,nausea and death. As for UV rays, ultraviolet radiation is a form of electromagnetic energy. It can come from artificial and natural sources, for example sunlight. Biological effects of exposure to ultraviolet radiation excessive doses of absorption of ultraviolet radiation by the skin cause photochemical damage to the tissue: UV photons disrupt DNA structures by producing directly or indirectly free radicals. One of the main biological impacts of UV exposure is a reduction in the rate of photosynthesis. This can give a direct effect on primary productivity, since different species may have their sensitivity to UV exposure, may eventually affect biodiversity.