Petrology and Geochemistry of granitoids of the Loki Crystalline Massif
Author: rezo vekuaKeywords: loki, granitoids
The Loki Crystalline Massif is exposed within the territory of Georgia on the area of about 400 km2. The massif represents inlier of the pre-Alpine basement of the Somkhit-Karabakh tectonic zone and belongs to the Beiburt-Sevanian terrane. Within the massif, four allochthonous sheet of the metamorphic complex are mapped, which differ from each other in composition and level of metamorphism. Our main interest is in the pre-Alpine granitoids developed in the Loki crystalline Massif represented by Late Devonian gneissose quartz diorites, Late Variscan granitoids and leucocratic granitoids associated with the ophiolitic allochthonous sheets. Despite the fact that these magmatic rocks have been the object of interest of many researchers, for a long time, most petro-mineralogical questions needs specification. A number of petro-mineralogical issues need to be clarified, and their geochemical study requires the use of modern methods. In particular, the RE and REE content in the rocks must be determined and the regularity of their distribution established. In particular, the study covers in detail the petro-mineralogical and geochemical issues using the up-to-date methods and equipment. Detailed geochemical study of RE and REE for above mentioned granitoids will be performed. The obtained results will make a significant contribution to the petrochemical study of magmatites of Georgia.