
Primary vision (including color vision) Biophysics of mechanisms
Author: salome svanidzeAnnotation:
Sight is one of our most important abilities, through which we perceive the color, shape, size of objects, etc. The organ that perceives all this is the eye. color vision) by proteins located on the outer segments. Rods and flasks are located on the inner membrane of the eye, on the retina.The number of sticks (125 million) far exceeds the number of flasks (6.5 million). Three types of pigments are identified in the flasks, depending on their sensitivity to different wavelengths: S-short, blue 420-440nm; M-medium, green 534-545nm; L - Long, red 564-589. Various colors can be visualized as a result of overlapping these three colors.Color vision deficiency is related to genetic disorders of pigments, but it can also be caused by complete and partial (red/green-color blindness, blue/yellow) due to genetic mutations on the X chromosome or acquired defects (rod failure, dystrophy, etc.).Damage to individual parts of the vision analyzer leads to various vision disorders: color blindness, blurred vision, double vision, decreased acuity, reduced field of vision, and others. The work also presents the relationship between optics and eye mechanism, as well as eye diseases and their treatment methods.