
Chiral angle in Dirac equation and its effect on neutrino mass
Author: Lasha GudushauriKeywords: chiral angle, Dirac mass term
Thesis devoted to the neutrino mass problem. It is reviewed how left-handed and right-handed components of fermions are coupled to generate a mass term in Dirac lagrangian. Dirac-type mass term does not preserve gauge invariance and in Standard Model fermions masses are generated by couplings with the electrically neutral but having weak charge Higgs boson. It also reviewed the Majorana mechanism which enables us to write fermion masses only by left-handed components. In the main part of the work it is considered the idea to derive the Dirac equation that contains a new term – chiral angle, which specifies chiral basis. It is shown that with the right choice of chiral basis, it is possible to explain the smallness of neutrino masses compared to other fermions masses.