
The Effect of Epitalon on Variability of Genomic Indicators in the Case of Tuberculosis
Author: KETEVAN GOGIDZEKeywords: Epitalon, Tuberculosis, Genome
Importance of the lung tuberculosis related studies is determined by several factors: high frequency of the disease, global nature of its spread, and high level of lethality. Lung tuberculosis is a hereditary predisposition disease. Immune status of the organism plays important role in Tuberculosis development. A number of genes associated with lung TB have been isolated. Their almost 90% are the genes that control the immune system of the organism. Due to the increased level of genomic instability, typical for the hereditary predisposition diseases, it is appropriate to perform relative studies of genomic and epigenetic parameters in lung TB sensitive and resistant forms, which require different treatment strategies. Researches in this direction are promising, as normalization of the genomic status provides additional possibilities of verifying treatment effectiveness. With a number of hereditary predisposition diseases there is a possibility of correction of the changed genomic parameters under the influence of oligopeptides with regulatory function. Consequently, it becomes prospective to study their corrective action also in case of lung tuberculosis disease. As the research material for the presented work, there were used sensitive (20 individuals) and multiresistant (20 individuals) peripheral blood lymphocyte culture cells of persons who have primarily contracted tuberculosis. Lymphocyte cultures of 10 clinically healthy middle aged individuals were used as control. T-lymphocytes are an important part of organismal immunity, therefore, peripheral blood lymphocyte culture cells in relation to lung TB are quite an adequate experimental model. Structural and quantitative disorders of chromosomes, associative indicators of fragile sites and acrocentric chromosomes were studied as genomic and epigenetic parameters. Epitalon, an oligopeptide with the confirmed bioregulatory activity, was used for the purpose of correcting the changed genomic parameters. Conducted researches have shown that both studied forms of the lung TB are characterized by high levels of structural disorders of chromosomes compared to the healthy individuals, which indicate the instability of their genomes. Frequency of fragile sites were also elevated, which is the sign of the metastable state of the genome. Fragile sites testing has also shown the nature of the epigenetic variations in the studied forms of lung TB, in particular, specific decondensation of heterochromatin adjacent to centromere. In both forms, associative activity of acrocentric chromosomes was significantly decreased, which on the one hand shows decreased levels of the synthesis processes in the cells and, on the other hand, indicates the specific epigenetic change of chromatin – heterochromatinization. As regards the bioregulating epitalon, its action in the lung TB patients of both forms was normalizing all the changed parameters, which allows for recommending to include it in lung TB treatment scheme.