
Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients based on laboratory and clini-cal data
Author: nino kvrivishviliKeywords: PCR, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2).
Prerequisite: Among the human β-coronaviruses, in 2019 SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) swept the world and caused a pandemic. The full spectrum of disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection is now recognized to range from asymptomatic infection to severe respiratory disease that may be fatal. From the moment of infection with COVID-19, symptoms appear within 3-14 days. Symptoms and complications depend on the age of the infected person and other indicators. The purpose of the presented research is to compare and discuss the clinical and laboratory data of individuals infected with the delta strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Research material and methods: The study was conducted in "Sanus laboratory" and lasted for two months, during which period nasopharyngeal-oropharyngeal combined samples of 4153 patients were collected. The research was conducted by the polymerase chain reaction method, which involves qPCR testing of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. A positive result was observed in 984 patients, which is the main data of our study. Result:The results of the patients participating in the study were analyzed and the samples of patients with positive results for the delta strain were separated and divided into six age groups. In each group, the symptoms, duration of their manifestation and the range of qPCR (Ct) are discussed. The first age group showed mild symptoms such as temperature and fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache and joint pain, and the qPCR (Ct) rate of patients in this group was the highest. The main symptom characteristic of the second age group was difficulty in breathing. Symptoms characteristic of the third age group were joint and back pain. In patients of the fourth age group, it was most difficult to manifest, which mainly included general weakness, joint and muscle pain, loss of smell and taste, Accordingly, the qPCR (Ct) values of this group of patients were the lowest. Among the symptoms identified in the fifth group, pain in the joints and muscles was significant. Patients of the last group did not show any characteristic symptoms and therefore high qPCR (Ct) values were confirmed. Charts of patients from each group are presented and discussed. Conclusion: As a result of consideration of age groups, such symptoms were revealed that were specific to this age group, which are directly related to qPCR (Ct) values. It is most easily manifested in children and risk group patients, and it is most severe in adult patients. The qPCR (Ct) value is directly related to the severity of symptoms. Harder In case of pronounced symptoms, the viral particles spread faster in the body and the symptoms appear faster. The qPCR (Ct) indicator is related to the concentration of virus particles in the human body.