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On the existence of an optimal initial data for the controlled quasi-linear neutral equation
Author: Mariam KazaishviliKeywords: neutral differential equation, existence of optimal data
For the quasi-linear neutral differential equation with the general boundary conditions and functional the existence theorem of an optimal initial data is proved. Besides, the general theorem is concretized for a problem with the integral functional and fixed ends, for a problem with the free right-hand end corresponding to the economical growth model. Under the initial data we imply the collection of the initial and final moments, the initial vector and controls.
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ოპტიმალური საწყისი მონაცემების არსებობის შესახებ კვაზი-წრფივი სამართი ნეიტრალური დიფერენციალური განტოლებისთვის [ka]